Thursday, December 11, 2008

Office Webisodes: The Conclusion to "The Outburst"

Episode 2: The Investigation

Episode 3: The Search

Episode 4: The Explanation

Friday, November 21, 2008

NBC debuts Office Webisodes!!

NBC kicked of yesterday afternoon with a new feature for "Office" fans to enjoy: webisodes!!

Because we all can't get enough out of the thirty minutes they show Thursday nights, presenting the very first webisode: "The Outburst, Part 1"......

Friday, November 7, 2008

Bringing a Bit of Rejuvenation...

Alright guys, it's time to kick this blog into gear and start cranking out some posts. This page has been a bit neglected as of late, and I'm hoping to change that starting immediately. For my first post, I'm offering a bit of an update on what has been going on since the last post.

Since the last post there have been three tasks posted on the DMI 2.0 website. We have been able to participate in a scavenger hunt, create a road trip mix, and this week's task. personalize a sales script. 

I would encourage you all to complete any tasks that you have not quite done yet in order to keep those Schrute Bucks coming in! Remember, our goal is to bring up the average Schrute Bucks per employee, and we can only do that with your help!

Not to forget, as any Uplander knows, our branch has a variety of branch only tasks going on right now. Be sure to go to the forums right now to check out all our awesome discussion and what not, as well as out branch only tasks. Click here to go straight to the Upland Branch forums.

If you aren't a part of the awesome Upland branch I would strongly encourage you to get on that (that's what she said)! Go to and sign up, then check out our branch page (click me) to apply for our branch!

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, awesome parties to invite me to, etc. please contact me via my employee profile which can be found here.

Thanks guys!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Guess The Baby....

"Thank you for completing the "Guess the Baby" Quiz. You answered 13 correctly out of 13 and received 260 Sb."

Hey Uplanders... Task 2.4 is one of the easiest ways to grab a good amount of $chruteBucks! There are 13 questions and each one is worth 20 $chrutebucks so if you haven't completed this task yet, get to guessing! ;)

Task 2.4 Guess The Baby Quiz


Monday, October 13, 2008

The Inaugural Book of the Finer Things Club

...and my inaugural post on this blog ;)

The first book has been chosen for The Finer Things Club

Just as a reminder, the Finer Things Club is open to anyone at any time. If you don't like this book, but want to read next month's and join the discussion, that is totally fine.

Also, I am 100% open to book suggestions. PM me the title of a book (or books) that you think would be great for the club to discuss and I will add them to the poll that decides our next pick.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Business Ethics"

Uplanders! and all out there in the interweb who may happen to stumble upon this blog.. tonight is Episode 2 of Season 5 and I'm way excited to get home and watch it. I know most of us are on withdrawal considering they skipped a week after premiering this new season on Sept 25th. And I don't know how everyone else watches it, but I have it set to record in TiVo so I can enjoy the show and not have to deal with the commercials :P 

So where did we leave off last time.... 

*Holly was let in on the fact that Kevin is not "mentally challenged" as Dwight led her to believe in the season 4 finale-- which was a bit of a let down they ended that one so quickly; I think it would have been fun to keep that going for a bit longer.

* Ryan is back, and is now the Receptionist. This character's job position keeps drastically changing everytime that I would only be a little surprised if they decided to make him the newly adopted son of the CEO in a future episode. Yeah, it's that bad. (Plus who else here thought "Rice-a" Ronnie should have had a bit more air time? It would have been cool to see what mess they could have placed that character into.)

* Oh yeah, did Creed really give Kelly a tapeworm?! (yikes....)

* And of course, Jim proposing to Pam. At a gas station. In the rain, lol. Well, there is a romantic notion to that so it'll be interesting to see them plan their wedding and where they'll end up having it at. I do see a bit of possible turmoil between the two in the next few episodes... because she's currently in NY, and who else sees her new "friend" as a possible tension creator for the couple? I sure do ;)

Oh and if you haven't yet seen the deleted scenes from episode one, check it out here to give you some insight on some unexplained things in the scenes they aired:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dunder Mifflin, this is Lorelei....

So, hey there, this is Lorelei checking in this awesome blog of DMI, Upland Branch, where I'm honored to be invited to contribute a bit of my smarts (or lack, thereof).

I'm also excited to be on and leading the Party Planning Committee this term (or PPC if you're cool enough-- and I bet you are ;). We've already had some pretty cool Online Viewing Parties set up and executed, as well as an actual branch meetup we are currently working on making reality. Props also to my fellow PPC crew: HorseyJesse, Heidi16, and JCKESTRADA... they're a great group to work with!

Alrighty, this is all for now. I'll leave you with the latest video from Angela Kinsey, who plays the role of Angela Martin. Check out her super cool set trailer!